Sporadic 'E' on 144 MHz in 2004 - A summary You are on July 3. Last update: July 04. 15:00 UT  
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July 03. - West end boys...
...had a short one in the morning. MUF was pretty high above Biscaya for hours in the morning, rest of Europe saw nothing special. EI5FK heard several BC stations from CT and EA for hours and suddenly at 10:40 EA1AK/7 popped out of the noise in IO51. At the same time EA8 was heard in IO81 and a short QSO made by G4FUF into IL08 (not much land there...) and IL18 . Later EA8 made several QSO's into EA1,2,and 4. It's European 144 Contest this weekend and there's  more to come.
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EA1ASC, IN70dx
ED8ERC 11:19 IL28FC 1688
EA8BWD 11:36 IL18UK 1694
EA1DDO/8 11:38 IL18RI 1715
EB8AHT 11:40 IL18SL 1699
EB8CDX 11:47 IL18OI 1728

EA1AK/7, IM66vp
10:40 EI5FK IO51rt 1699Km.
10:49 EI2JE IO51 +-1671Km.
10:50 EI8JK IO51dn 1684Km.
Also heard but coulnīt complete: EI9GQ, G4HGI, G4KWQ. Short opening, with weak signals (except EI5FK) and deep QSB. Could not finish some QSO due to signals disappearing in a few seconds. 100 W + 2.5 wl

EA4AMX, IM89at
ea8bwd il18uk 1129
ea1ddo/ea8 il18ri 1135
eb8cdx il18oi 1140
dl6faw/ea8 il18bs 1147
EA8/DL6FAW, IL18bs
Again, just like the week before, I came to my QTH, put the plugs in and heard strong signals on the band. Worked
1138 EA4DS/P 59/59 IN90fv
1141 EA4CSJ 51/51 IN80of
1143 EA4DTX 59/59 IN80bj
1145 EA4BPJ 59/59 IN80ej
1145 EA4EEK 59/59 IN80ap
1146 EA4AMX 59/59 IM89at
1147 EB4GLE/P 59/59 IN80lc
1159 EB4GLG 57/57 IM89??
My equipment: TS 2000 & 9 Element Tonna. Best wishes to all VHF enthusiasts from Norbert!

EI5FK, IO51rt
10:42 EA7AK/7 54 55 IM66
10:50 EA7DBP 59 59 IM66UM
running 400w and 17el@50feet

G4ZFJ, JO01ho
10:50 ED8ERC IL18XS? rcvd 55 2xES??
Band was open for about 4 minutes - ED8ERC was working CT stations.
IC-275H 100W 9 ELE TONNA